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SendMyStuff (Prototype0.1)

SMS-Editor for Mobile Phones by m.schuster


Latest news:


By now the website is nearly 5 years old and a little outdated.
But I decided to leave it on the web, maybe there is some useful
information on it...


BAD!!! Those gifted guys now want 15 $ for their 
Win2k IR driver. And the beta version is no more 
legal...well, everybody has to earn their money somehow.


Thanks to some gifted guys it is now possible to
connect a mobile phone to a Win2000-PC via
IrDA! Find the virtual COM-Port-Driver at


Added SendMyStuff PC version to download area.
Useful for developers who want to check their
own PDUs.


Somebody did it! Sebastian Richter at win-pro developed a 
wonderful application called "dial-assist" for WinCE. 
It does nearly all you expect from an SMS- and mobile-phone 
connection application and is really worth the money.
And I am proud to say that it seems I was able to help
him a little with my developer info ;-)


Added a developer page for answers to all those questions
I got the last few months. But still no time to rewrite
SndMyStuff. Anyone interested in collaborating with
me? Seems I have the knowledge, but not the time and
the right dev-tool...


I found the Website of a better terminal application
again. It is called TERA TERM and is also more or less
free. It is fast, convenient and worth the download
anyway. Use it the same way as the built-in terminal
as described in the SendMyStuff-documentation.

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